Links -- 2013-01-04
New for the New Year -- I will be doing some posts with links to interesting projects, posts, products. Definitely will not be daily but hopefully will be more frequent than annually! Here is the first instalment:
- Esper -- Real (or near-real?) time monitoring and reaction to events across a large systems ("complex event processing")
- Maude -- A term-rewriting system
- Ragel -- Regular expressions but with the added capability of executing code during any stage of recognition (similarity to OMeta ?)
- Hadoop on Demand -- probably an obvious one but very useful for practical map-reduce work, and helps with debugging (see this SO)
- Datomic -- a declarative, programmable, (novel) database system.
- This has been around for a while and is fairly well known, but just in case: Ceres non-linear least-squares optimiser -- written in C++, by Google.