Bojan Nikolic: Numerical and Quantitative Methods in C++

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The task at hand is simply to evaluate an integral of the type:

\int_a^{b} {\rm d}x  f(x)

where the one-dimensional function f(x) and the integration limits are selected by the user. In general the limits a and b may be at infinity and the function f(x) may have singularities. These possibilities substantially complicate the algorithms for evaluating the integral.

The result of the integral is typically evaluated simply as a weighted linear sum of values of the function f(x) at a number of points x_i:

\int_a^{b} {\rm d}x  f(x) = \sum_i w_i f(x_i)

The main logic in these algorithms is then to:

  • Decide at which points x_i to evaluate the function
  • Decide the optimal weighing factors for the problem at hand

It is clear that short of making the set of \{x_i\} the entire available space of machine numbers, a specially crafted (probably non-smooth) function could make any particular algorithm produce a badly incorrect answer. In other words, for a completely general function, no guarantee can be made about the accuracy of any algorithm.

For this reason, one-dimensional integration algorithms are usually classified by specifying the family or families of functions for which they in fact give the exact answer (obviously to within the limits of numerical precision).
